At Techfring, we want to help the community in every way possible. If you have a great content idea in mind, we encourage you to pitch that to us. The golden rule is, your content should be relevant to what we usually cover- tech that matters.
If you want to publish your post on our site, please review the best practices given below.
- The topic must be relevant to our usual content offering.
- The article must have 800+ words. (No word stuffing, please).
- If you quote any statistics, please include the necessary credible source(s).
- You may include 1 do-follow backlink in a guest post for free.
- If you want to promote your commercial product/service, please consider a sponsored article instead. The fee for a sponsored article depends on several factors that we can determine mutually.
- We may edit the article if we feel necessary.
- A featured-image (minimum of 900 pixels wide) is expected from you.
- Please don’t send us a plagiarized work. That won’t be published.
- You agree to publish unique & fresh content on our site, and you should not publish that article on any other blog or website.
- We reserve the right to modify this guideline without any further notice.
Please use the email address info[at] to send us a message regarding your guest post or sponsored article.